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KANNAWAY Cannabis-Infused Energy Chews and Skin Salve Ointment

Cannabis-Infused Energy Chews and Skin Salve Ointment? Why
MMA Star Brandon Vera and Other Athletes Are Saying Yes.
Amy Lenoir
Fitness and Cannabis – two words that haven’t normally been associated with one another in the past.
But that’s exactly what some athletes have been utilizing in their journey to find the perfect compliment to their daily workout routine.
In the past few years, more and more research has come to the forefront regarding the use of CBD, the “other” side of the cannabis plant. Put simply, the primary effect of THC is “getting high”, whereas the primary effect of CBD – otherwise known as “cannabidiol”, a naturally occurring compound of the hemp plant – is for use in health and wellness products.
In the world of competitive sports, however, there have been questions about the use of CBD as it pertains toward random drug tests and whether or not it would be of use in the world of athletics.
Brandon Vera, an International Superstar in the world of MMA, utilizes products from a company called Kannaway that he stands behind.
And it’s not just lip service: Brandon is the face of Kannaway’s KannaKick product line, a cannabis-infused energy chew that provides a sustained, time-released energy boost and contains all-natural ingredients.
Brandon’s position as a superstar MMA fighter means he is constantly subjected to drug tests, and he’s passed all his tests.
Going a step further, Brandon is subjected to much more than that. With constant workouts that involve sparring, getting hit, and pushing the limits of his body, he takes a daily beating.
So it might come as a surprise that instead of utilizing other products, he leans on Kannaway’s “Cannabis Beauty Defined” Salve for relief after his daily workout routine, KannaKick Energy Chews for a boost when he needs it, and Kannaway’s HempVap for daily CBD intake.
Kannaway’s products are more than a marketing gimmick, though. Their “Beauty Defined” line comes from something called an “Ancient Eastern Royal Bi-Bong Formula”. This formula involves the use of wild-harvested Eastern herbs and minerals, and, until recently, this formula was exclusive to the Korean Royal Family.
Even if you’re already familiar with CBD, the combination of CBD with this formula might just be something you’ve never heard of before.
The fact that it is being embraced by athletes, the media, and the general population as the “next big thing”, though, seems to indicate that its effects have been positive.
Fortune magazine recently called Kannaway one of the top 5 companies in the Cannabis space. USA Today recently reviewed Kannaway’s “Beauty Defined” line and gave it an incredibly positive review. Reuters, Fox News, Univision, Telemundo, Caribbean News, and many other news outlets have covered Kannaway.
All in all, it seems like Kannaway’s products have had a very positive effect. Sustained energy from the KannaKick chews, a body salve for muscles, joints, and skin, and the HempVap are all getting great reception from athletes and the general population.
Cannabis and Fitness? Hmm… sounds like it might just be a great idea to try them yourself.

Cannabis-Infused Energy Chews and Skin Salve Ointment? Why
MMA Star Brandon Vera and Other Athletes Are Saying Yes.
Amy Lenoir

Cannabis-Infused Energy Chews and Skin Salve Ointment? Why
MMA Star Brandon Vera and Other Athletes Are Saying Yes.
Amy Lenoir