Basic Nutrients for Optimal Performance

NW Fitness Magazine

Basic Nutrients for Optimal Performance

by Dr. Rhian Young, ND


Purity Integrative Health & Wellness Center, PLLC

Most people know that in order to achieve optimal physical performance in exercise they need good sleep, adequate water and ideal nutrition. I have found that most athletes agree that a good multivitamin is part of that picture but most don’t know much beyond that, nor do they know what a “good multivitamin” looks like. There is also much more beyond just a multivitamin that is needed for optimal physical health. Even with perfect nutrition, our bodies need more than just the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) that you find in an average multivitamin. I often refer to the RDA as the “BMTS” or the “Bare Minimum To Survive”. The values for RDA are those set at a minimum to prevent disease such as rickets or scurvy which is important of course, but most athletes are looking for more than the minimum when it comes to performance. Here is what I recommend for optimal nutrition:

  1. High Potency Multivitamin or Whole Foods Multivitamin: A multivitamin that offers more than the RDA and may add additional nutrients that you may not get from your food. In any given day, you cannot assess how much your body will need nor can you assume that your body is exactly the same as the person running on the treadmill next to you. High potency allows your body to use what it needs on a daily basis and get rid of what it doesn’t need. This allows for changes in your daily nutrition, fitness level, stress level or toxic exposures on a daily basis.
  2. B-Complex 100: When we are stressed, B Vitamins are one of the first things to be depleted. They appear in nearly all biochemical reactions in the Krebs Cycle which is ultimately responsible for producing energy in your body.
  3. Fish Oil (high potency): Fish Oil helps prevent or treat cancer, cardiovascular disease, hormone irregularities, arthritis and many more. For average and elite athletes, fish oil can reduce overall inflammation and prevent injuries thus allowing you to perform better and longer and remain injury free or reduce risk of injury. I recommend a minimum of 650mg of EPA (the most important constituent in Fish Oil).
  4. Vitamin C: This is my “token antioxidant” because it has the most varied overall actions on the body. Vitamin C can boost the immune system, support connective tissue (thus reducing injury), help the body recover from free-radicals produced from intense exercise as well as help people lose weight if desired.
  5. Calcium Complex with Magnesium and Vitamin D: Calcium is well known for supporting bones and Magnesium is great for not only helping calcium work better but also for its relaxing properties on the muscles to reduce soreness or spasm. Vitamin D is vital for the bones but also helps boost the immune system and promotes positive changes in mood and vitality.

Most of these should be obtained from your local health food store or supplement store or directly from a Naturopath Doctor. Quality is important so make sure you are getting your supplements from a good brand and if you are unsure, consult someone who can help you.

–Dr. Rhian Young, ND


Dr. Rhian Young, ND


Purity Integrative Health & Wellness Center, PLLC

15118 Main St, Suite 500

Mill Creek, WA 98012

Phone: 425-337-7029

Fax: 888-397-1514


Basic Nutrients for Optimal Performance
Basic Nutrients for Optimal Performance
Basic Nutrients for Optimal Performance
Basic Nutrients for Optimal Performance