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Cross Training Workout – functional Fitness

Written by Rob Sax
Model – Jen turnbull

Written by Rob Sax
Model – Jen turnbull

Written by Rob Sax
Model – Jen turnbull

Written by Rob Sax
Model – Jen turnbull
Cross Training Workout – functional Fitness
Written by Rob Sax
Model – Jen turnbull
box jump (part B makes this a step up….did you want it to be a step up or a box jump?)
- a) Swing arms back to gain momentum for jump. Weight concentrated in middle foot.
- b) land with knees bent and feet on box. Back straight!
- c) extend knees and stand up until hips are completely open.
Tire flip (ad picture with knee under tire)
- a) approach tire with chest and shoulders pressing against tire in a deep squat position. Feet should be flat and back straight! Hands act like hooks underneath the tire and should be spaced wider than shoulder width apart.
- b) Take a deep breath, hold back straight and stand up (leading with the chest). As the tire lifts travel forward as this is the direction that youre trying to move the tire. Keep arms straight. Once the tire passes by your knee shrug your shoulders to help pull the tire upward and drive the thigh into the tire propelling it forward. Once the tire is near upright, put hands underneath, push forward and flip it over!
hang power clean (youre definitely missing a few segments for this photo because what im going to write isnt going to do the photos justice but ill do my best.
- a) dead lift the bar to your waist (hang position). Load your body by bending your knees and dipping downward letting your chest pitch forward slightly. Keep arms straight, back straight and feet flat. Once the bar travels down thigh towards the knee cap, jump aggressively and jump upward until triple extension of the ankle, knee and hip is achieved. Immediately following triple extension is the shoulder shrug to help raise the bar towards your chest.
- b) Once the bar is jumped past sternum height, drop back onto your heels, through your elbows forward and receive the bar on top of your shoulders, knees bent, and hips behind you so that your weight is concentrated in the heels. Extend knee and stand up!
stone to shoulder
(again there are pictures that should be here….. half the movement is missing)
- a) approach stone and stand above it. Straddle the stone and squat down until hands can wrap underneath. Feet flat and back straight! Stand up and pull the stone into your lap, still in a squat position. Regrip your hands and arms around the stone and place your chest up against the stone. Try to place chin on top of the stone.
b)Using hip power, stand up by extending the hips open aggressively and roll the stone up your chest on top of the shoulder. Use both arms to control the object. Then either return the stone to your chest and drop or simply drop from the shoulder. (make sure there is a largely padded area underneath so not to damage floor or stone).
kettle bell swing (need middle picture of motion)
Stand with feet approximately shoulder width apart or slightly wider and grasp the kettlebell with both hands.
Pushing your hips back and bending your knees slightly, swing the kettlebell through your legs with momentum traveling through your arms towards the bell. Your torso should bend slightly forward and your hips should move back for balance.
Extend your knees and hips to drive the weight forward and up.Straighten your hips, stand up and swing your arms up to lift the weight over your head. The power for the lift should come almost completely from the hip extension. Your quads and arms should not be doing much work.
rope climb:
The foot placement on a rope climb will dictate the speed and efficiency of a good climb. As seen here, Jen uses the J-Hook method. When securing the J-Hook you should choose one leg as the frame for the rope and the other leg as the clamp. Jen uses her right leg as the frame and drapes the rope on the inside of her right knee and then lets the rope sit on the outside of her right sneaker. Take a large jump up the rope, lift your knees high to grab establish a high foot placement and secure the clamp by swinging your free leg’s foot under the rope and putting pressure on the rope between both feet. Once the clamp is established, extend your legs and pull yourself up the rope. Secure a tight grip with your hands and repeat climb!
Written by Rob Sax
Model – Jen turnbull