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NPC WA State Open Bikini Championship

NPC WA State Bodybuilding, Fitness, Figure, Bikini & Physique Championship National Qualifier
Competition takes place on within the WA State Fitness EXPO
- Date: Sat July 16th 2016.
- Location: Washington State Fair Sleep Country Showplex Event Center. 110 9th Ave SW, Puyallup WA 98371.
- 8:00am competitor checkin/weigh in
9:00am Competitor Meeting: mandatory competitor meeting
- 9:00am Expo doors open to the public
- 10:00am N.P.C Competition Judging starts
- 5:00 pm N.P.C Competition Night show finals start
- QUALIFICATIONS: This competition is open to all NPC registered athletes who meet the following requirements: 1. Must have a current NPC card (unregistered athletes may purchase cards on day of event, which will be valid through December 31, 2016). NPC cards available at check‑in. 2. Competitors in a specific age group must provide proof of age (birth certificate or Drivers license) at time of registration.
- NATIONAL QUALIFIER: This show is a National Qualifier.
- ENTRY FEE: $100.00 per entry. Deadline: July 1st, 2016. Late entries $200.00 (no exceptions)
- AWARDS: Awards will be given to the top 5 in each class, and overall of each division.
- GUIDELINES: All competitors must follow NPC rules, guidelines and mandatory poses. See www.npcnewsonline.com for more info
- MUSIC ONLY CD’s (not MP3) are acceptable. CD must be free from distortion and blank, expect for the piece of music you’re using. CD must be marked with competitors name and division entered on the side that the music is on. Bodybuilding routines should be no longer than 60 seconds and up to 2 minutes for fitness. Absolutely no music with obscene language accepted. Williams Productions will not accept liability for CD’s left behind.
- Cross Entries are allowed. You may enter more than one class in which you qualify for. You must also pay a full entry fee for each class that you are registering for.
WA STATE Open Divisions/Classes
- Jr Men bodybuilding
- Jr Fitness Woman. Under 18
- Fitness Woman
- Woman Figure Short (under 5’4”)
- Woman Figure Medium (5’4”-5’6”)
- Woman Figure Tall (over 5’6”)
- Masters Woman Figure (over 35)
- Masters Woman Figure (over 50)
- Mixed Pairs Bodybuilding
- Novice Women bodybuilding
- Masters Women Bodybuilding (over 35)
- Masters woman bodybuilding over 50
- Open Women Light Bodybuilding(up to 125)
- Open Women Middle Bodybuilding(125-140)
- Open Women Heavy Bodybuilding(over 140)
- Masters Men Bodybuilding (over 40)
- Masters Men bodybuilding (over 50)
- Masters Men bodybuilding (over 60)
- Masters Men bodybuilding (over 70)
- Women’s Bikini 5’2″& under
- Womans Bikini over 5’2″-5’4″
- Womans Bikini over 5’4″-5’6″
- Womans Bikini over 5’6″
- Women’s Bikini over 35
- Women’s Bikini over 50
- Novice Men Bodybuilding Light weight (up to 176lbs)
- Novice Men Bodybuilding Heavy weight (over 176lbs)
- Open Men Bodybuilding Bantom (143.25lbs & under)
- Open Men Bodybuilding light (143.25lbs-154.25lbs)
- Open Men Bodybuilding Middle (154.25lbs-176.25lbs)
- Open Men Bodybuilding Light-Heavy (176.25lbs-198.25lbs)
- Open Men Bodybuilding Heavy (198.25lbs-225lbs)
- Open Men Bodybuilding Superheavy (over 225lbs)
- Mens Physique (5’8″& under)
- Mens Physique (5’8″-6’0″)
- Mens Physique (over 6’0″)
- Mens Physique (35 yrs & older)
- Mens Physique (50 yrs & older
- Womans Physique
- Womans Physique (35 yrs & older)
- Mens Classic Physique (Up to & including 5’7″)
- Mens Classic Physique (Over 5’7″)