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Prepping Face for Stage Makeup – Jen Turnbull

Prepping Face for Stage Makeup
Jen Turnbull
1. Exfoliate the night before your show.
2. The day of the show, start with a light moisturizer, then apply a primer to help hold makeup all day.
3. One of my favorite tips is to mix strobe cream with primer from MAC to give my face a healthy glow while holding my makeup all day long.
4. I prefer putting my lashes on 1st, then applying my shadow base along with eye shadow colors. After applying shadow colors, i like to use a eye liner to cover up the line of the fake lashes. Another awesome tip to hide the fake lashes is to lift up your lashes with your fingers, then apply liner on the inner, top water line on the inside of the eye. By using some of my stage makeup tips, you can get the most out of your makeup on stage!
Tips to go from “stage makeup” to “going out on the town” makeup
1. I like to use my MAC wipes to wipe off the makeup on my face. I leave my eye makeup on, but tone down the rest of my face for a nice going out look.
2. After i wipe off all the heavy bronzers and foundations. I like to use just a lighter liquid foundation and a light powder so my face looks fresh and clean.
3. After toning down the face makeup and reapplying the foundation and powder, you will be ready to celebrate a night out on the town!
Jen Turnbull

Prepping Face for Stage Makeup Jen Turnbull & Tanning Tips! by NWCC Tan